John C. Fremont Healthcare District Board of Directors Finance Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, January 26, 2022

AGENDA of Board of Directors
for Finance Board Meeting  

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 

Location:  5189 Hospital Road, 
Mariposa, CA  95338 

Board Room maximum (COVID) occupancy is 9 people

Candy O’Donel-Browne, Chair, Linda Pribyl, R.N. Secretary-Treasurer, 
Philip H. De Bry, D.D.S., Joseph E.C. Rogers, M.D. and Brenda J. Forrest, M.D.

Mission – To excel in the provision of quality health care services 
Vision – To be the organization of choice for community health care 
5 Pillars:  People (customer service & employees) by Katrina Anderson, 
Service by VACANT, Quality by Kristen Fournier, 
Finance by Matthew Matthiessen & Shahri Taj, Growth by Therese Williams

Closed Session 1:00 p.m.

Finance Board Meeting 2:00 p.m.

1 26 22 JCF

    1.        Call to order and roll call

    2.        Open Session:  disclosure regarding Closed Session items pursuant to Government Code §54957.7

    3.        CLOSED SESSION

A.     Quality Management monthly report, Kristen Fournier, RN, Director of Quality

B.     Risk Management, quarterly report, Kristen Fournier, RN

C.     Agreement renewals:

Ø  Jack Caraco, Acupuncturist, renews 3/31/2022, any changes need to be made by 2/28/2022

Ø  Mimi Carter, MD, Medical Director of Clinics, renews 3/31/2022, any changes need to be made by 1/30/2022

Ø  Clear Sounds Speech & Language Therapy, Shelly Gerken, renews 3/31/2022, any changes need to be made by 2/28/2022

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