2 Tax Rules New Retirees Need to Know | Smart Change: Personal Finance

Throughout your working life, you’ll pay taxes on your income — and chances are good your employer will take care of helping you fulfill many of your obligations to the IRS.

When you retire, your tax liability doesn’t disappear. But you’ll have to take control of learning the rules and follow them carefully to avoid penalties. In particular, there are two big tax rules new retirees must know.

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1. Rules for required minimum distributions

The first and most important tax rule every new retiree should learn about relates to required minimum distributions (RMDs). RMDs are withdrawals you must begin making from certain tax-advantaged retirement accounts beginning at age 72. You must begin taking these required distributions from:

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RMDs are not, however, required from Roth IRAs as long as the owner of the Roth IRA is still alive.

You can calculate the amount you must take out by using IRS life-expectancy tables. There are different ones, with most retirees using the Uniform Lifetime Table (others can…

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