Palm Beach’s longtime finance director to retire next month after 23 years

After serving the town for more than two decades as its finance director, Jane Le Clainche will step away from that role next month.

A Michigan native who spent 10 years as the comptroller and collection director for the city of Kankakee, Illinois, Le Clainche was hired by the town in 1999 after she saw a posting in a professional publication for the position of finance director in Palm Beach and applied for the job. 

Le Clainche had spent winters in Palm Beach County as a child, and she longed to return to the warmer weather, she said. She also wanted to try something different with her career.

“I got tired of what I was doing,” she said. “I wanted to get out of there. I was reading the Government Finance Officers Association newsletter, and the job was posted. I decided that’s what I wanted. I applied, and I got the job. I’ve been here ever since.”

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